Perfect Creature Movie Synopsis: Dougray Scott, Saffron Burrows, Stuart Wilson and Leo Gregory star in the dark tale centered on The Brothers, vampire leaders considered to be the next evolutionary step. When a virus suddenly spreads turning the vampires against the humans, chaos ensues and the fragile balance between the two races must be restored.
Screenplay & Director: Glenn Standring
STUDIO: 20th Century Fox
Main Characters:Dougray Scott and Saffron Burrows
A movie with so much potential but just didn't grab me. The movie starts with great scenes and cool matrix like special effects so I stayed. But I just couldn't care about the main characters so I couldn't really care what happened to them or all of humankind in the story.
I do not recommend this movie.
Screenplay & Director: Glenn Standring
STUDIO: 20th Century Fox
Main Characters:Dougray Scott and Saffron Burrows
A movie with so much potential but just didn't grab me. The movie starts with great scenes and cool matrix like special effects so I stayed. But I just couldn't care about the main characters so I couldn't really care what happened to them or all of humankind in the story.
I do not recommend this movie.
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