Monday, July 7, 2008

Shutter - Taking Crazy to the Next Level

I watched the latest version of Shutter over the weekend and I must say I really did enjoy it.
I just love when peeps get their REVENGE on, however, I thought homegirl was a special kind of CRAZY.
So I asked a couple of friends if they've ever had a girl that just wouldn't take no for an answer and they all answered YES!
I guess strange stalkers come in all shapes and sizes. Now that is SCARY.
But back to the movie. I really enjoyed it. It could have been scarier and creepier but the acting was good and so was the story. I was not disappointed.
The original Shutter version from Japan is on my movies to see list.
Title: Shutter 2008Title: Shutter 2008
Director:Masayuki Ochiai
Writer:Luke Dawson (screenplay)